
Venice HJ's. There was also a Hard Rock Cafe. I considered setting them both on fire and letting everyone inside burn alive.

You can drink alcohol on the street here. You can buy picollos and beers from any deli for like 1 euro. Naturally I have been doing a lot of that:

St Mark's Square is the only dry zone. Weird because these tables are perfect beer drinking places.

Pretty red street lights:

I even met a sausage dog in a museum! Nina:

St Marks Basilica. They actually have a thorn from THE Crown of Thorns and one of the nails used to nail Jesus to the cross, in a glass case:

The church on the island I'm staying on:

Danger! Museum!

The best taxidermy ever. I seriously considered trying to get this back to Australia somehow:

My "dorm":

One of the other "dorms":

The view from my bedroom window:

Little jetty next to my dorm:

I'm going to ce p'esaro today to see some Klimt paintings! <3 Italy.
jealousy is eating at me. i'm in computer manipulated B class & we had to look at wonderful travel photography which depressed my travel bug even more.
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