only 12 more days until i go overseas again. i am hideously disorganised and have a constant sick feeling in my stomach about all the shit i have to do before i leave. i have to give a talk at a conference in venice and i have nothing to wear. i also haven't planned the talk (less concerning). after venice i'm locking myself up in a room in the forest in new york state and writing THE SHIT out of my PhD because when i get back i start my research fellowship. this is exciting because i will finally start making some money from my 7 years of full time tertiary education. naturally, i have been spending my days online shopping for things i might like to purchase when i begin said job and subsequent money making...
obviously, a sausage dog:

then, a range of hilarious outfits in which to dress said sausage dog:

a dead animal to hang on the wall:

a dead animal to put on the floor:

i've always wanted a tv in the bathroom. the mirror in this bathroom is also a tv, amazement! i want a mirror tv thing:

these lights, particularly in the kitchen:

kitchen will also contain heart shaped le creuset pots:

kitchen aid:

i really want this little monkey:

and intend on becoming a crazy old spinster with a room full of books like this:

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